Miracle Man | Freedom | Hope & Forgiveness
Darryl Burton made a promise. “Jesus, if you’re real and help me get out of this place, not only will I serve you, but I’ll tell the world about you.” God delivered on that promise. Now a free man, Darryl is teaching the world about forgiveness and providing hope even in the most disparate situations.
Social Justice Advocate
Darryl counsels with trial attorneys, prisoners, and families to bring justice, restoration and healing into lives. He has become a voice of hope for those who have not been heard.
Inspirational Speaker
Pastor | Counselor
Darryl travels the globe to share his story and powerful message of hope and forgiveness.
Darryl is an Associate Pastor at Church of the Resurrection, the largest United Methodist Church in the US. He leads a weekly "Healing Hurts" class for men on how to overcome your past and move forward.
"...I was in prison and you visited me."
-- Matthew 25:36
Miracle of Innocence 1st Exoneration
Helped to free Keith Carnes, after serving 18 yrs of being wrongly convicted for a crime he did not commit.
On Friday, Keith was exonerated but not released from the South Central Correctional Facility.
Darryl & Lamonte McIntyre, Co-Founders traveled to bring home Keith Carnes on Monday, April 11, 2022.
Special Praise to the Miracle of Innocence Board, staff, and volunteers, who made this miracle come true!
Click below to view the KMBC Press release.

Darryl Burton all too clearly understands injustice and the human condition, where it relates to poverty and division among racial lines. He grew up near the racial tensions in Ferguson, Missouri, and at age 22 was wrongfully imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. Exonerated after 24 years, “Miracle Man” Darryl was set free from the physical and spiritual prison that held him captive. Being Better, not Bitter, Darryl now inspires others with his powerful message of “Hope and Forgiveness” through adversity. He is currently working on his first published book and recently started a non-profit organization called "Miracle of Innocence" to help the many innocent prisoners still behind bars. You can support Darryl's cause by clicking on the MOI button below and subscribing to news about this exciting venture!

"Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing." -Luke 23:34

What They are Saying
I want you to know how grateful I am for you, and how proud I am that you are part of our team at Resurrection.
Thank you for being you!"
Pastor Adam Hamilton
"I'm blessed to call you not only a brother in Christ, but also friend."
-- Pastor Ed Flener
"God is using you and your horrendous experience in prison for a much greater good."
-- Rev. Clayton Smith
"I can only hope one day I can put down my burden as you have, and find the peace you have found."
-- Ed C.
"You delivered a wonderful message regarding your personal walk, hope, and perseverance. Thank you for your sermon and providing me with a different perspective"
--Shatomi L.
"Your presentation brought tears to my eyes as well as a few chuckles. I'm sure there were few dry eyes in the congregation at the end when you received a standing ovation."
--Jim R.
"I could not ignore the message God was sending me through you. It was an epiphany feeling and as clear as if God was speaking, I heard Him say to me, "Forgiveness is the key to spiritual peace". I want to be "better not bitter".
--Patricia H.
"I must admit that forgiveness is not one of my strengths, but you certainly are a role model for me to follow."
--Norman P.
"I have had multiple people ask me if I know you from being at Saint Paul together and then tell me how touched they were by your message. You have a gift and I have no doubt God kept you alive for 24 years to do the work you are doing now! You are a walking miracle and you help renew my faith every time I hear your story!"
-- Ginger R.
"I've always wondered whether your warden and guards, judge, etc. are aware of what you have become?"
--Carol R.